Friday, May 29, 2009


So today is friday!!! so glad. but i did not want to wake up this morning at all.
but went to school and didnt have any spanish! (thts a plus) and my internet
at home is working! but anywho my cousin will be coming over and were gonna
watch some movies and have fun and go out to eat :D
So i have been thinking alot about the kids at my school and how most of them
dont have God in there lives. And how i should be the person to tell these kids
about him even if theres nothing in it for me. Yesturday i seen an amazing thing
happen. During our "club revolution" meeting me and a pastor from a church called
Christian Hill we sat out side of the school with some kids who dont believe and we just
talk to them. well i didnt i sat there because the girl kinda left but to see Corey just witness
to this boy it was amazing. it reminded me of how i witnessed to an older women in Tijuana.
So i say as Children of God we should all go out and tell people about Jesus. even if no one listens to you.
its all in Gods hands.

One Love in Him


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