Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kory Kenyon.

Looking at my facebook when i opened it yesturday on the 7th tons of my friends had there status the same : RIP Kory.

I didnt know him but knowing he past and just graduated in 08 was kind of shocking. He passed from a car acciendent because of speed he hit a tree and telephone pole. He was training to be a fireman. Life is to short to taken anything expecally life for granteed.I wanted to say sorry to his family, girlfriend, and friends who lost him. He is in a better place. I heard good things about him. Reading the comments on his page truly showed how much of a good friend he was to his friends. Today was his vigale @ Vets. I pray for anyonewho came in contact with him that they my lean on Jesus with this sad situation.

"And i declear that the dead who have already died are happier than the living." - Eccl 4;2

He is with the Lord now.

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