Sunday, November 29, 2009


so today was the baptism at church and man oh man i got a lil emotional ! i think because i know how crazy God changed my life during that time! there was i believe 6 teens and 1 adult get baptised and i will pro throw up a video later. but i pray God that if you start a fire in their hearts lord that they would take it on thier own resposiblity to keep it light! i remember i wrote in my journal that night and it was just so crazy. Jesus is just so amazing like how crazy is it to know a guy who never sinned i mean NEVER and who would die for EVERYBODY! thats true love right there even the people who hate him and mock him he loves. Theres no one on earth that can do that! it takes my breathe away when i think of how great God could love us sooo much he would make Jesus will be the cross. i can not wait till i Meet Jesus face to face! its crazyyy! but... I LOve it!!!!


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