Friday, November 27, 2009


today i changed my bedroom around. i do that alot. and i really dont have alot of things in here. But i love the change. and i always find new stuff. well old stuff but its been MIA. anywho my friend just told me shes pregnant. and thats not always the best thing you wanna hear your 17 yr old bestfriend say. but im not gonna judge her. but i do now she needs God in the biggest way. So if i am the only one whos nice to her through this and i can show her Gods love ill do it even if people who i think are my friends think im wierd so be it. she is my bestfriend and i love her to death . who cares she made a little mistake. EVERYONE DOES. i have faith in her just like Jesus does in every messed up situation we are in. So if your reading this can you pray for her? also im changing . in a good way. I relaized i have been slackin on my bible reading. i dont have alot of time during the week so maybe 5 verses or a chapter a day to start.

being his hands and feet,anielle <3

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