Friday, July 31, 2009


So i rarely ever read the old tesament i can never get into it. so i decided to read some of it through the summer and go lil chapters one by one. and so i started reading about Jacob. Man oh man. the first thing that caught my eye was he had 12 kids by 4 different girls. BUT i loved how whenever God told him to move or something he didnt complain like we would and say " well everything i have is here" he just obeyed and left. so i read the story about his daughter.

reading this story made me realize i know alot of girls in my school or in my family who have gotten either beaten up or raped by a boyfriend or dad or any man.

so in Genesis 34; 1-32

Dinah one of Jacobs daughters' get "voilated" by a guy named homar and wants her as her wife.

and after her big brothers Levi & Simeon get mad. As like any brother mightt do they go and find him and kill his whole town. ( im sure in this day we wouldnt kill anyone but probaly beat them up) and at the end Jacob was like why did u do that they might have others come after us.

what i got out of this is think before you act. also revenge is never a pretty thing because it goes both ways.

If anything serious like Dinahs sitiation happens to you. pray before you tell people or try o get revenge.

remember its all in Gods hands.


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